
Dairy breeds economic Attractions (Jersey)

گاو نژاد جرزیMilk fat percentage was higher (about 6%) compared to Holstein (about 3.2%).
Despite producing lower quantities of milk in the Jersey breed (25-30 kg/day) than the Holstein breed (35-40 kg/day) due to the higher selling price of the milk, the breeder’s income from milk sales is almost similar to that of the Holstein milk.
The lower cost of keeping livestock in the Jersey breed (20-25%) than Holstein is due to the smaller size of the breed.
Lower veterinary costs (30%) of the Jersey breed, especially the costs of mastitis (smaller breast) and lameness (less animal weight) than Holstein.

Beef type cattle economic Attractions (Charolais cattle, Limousine, Aquiten)

نژاد گاو گوشتیDue to proper feed conversion ratio of these breeds compared to the Holstein breeder, the livestock’s income would be about 20% higher than the Holstein breeding.

The weight of the male calves in the breed at 16 months of age (about 800 kg) is much higher than that of the Holstein male at about the same age (about 550 kg), while the cost of feeding the broiler is similar to that of the Holstein.

Better carcass yield (65%) than Holstein (50%)

Dual purpose breeds (Simmental)

نژاد گاو سیمنتالQuantity (20% less than Holstein) and milk quality (25% more than Holstein)

This breed is comparable to Holstein.

Higher weight gain than Holstein (1.4 to 1.6 kg / day) And Higher carcass weighting gives the farmer 15% more income.